Print à Porter
For my Bachelor thesis at HSLU dfk, I researched scalable ways to upcycle old clothes by embellishing collaged panels from post-consumer garments. It resulted in a strategy, where screenprinting can be implemented in a productive way into the remanufacturing process. As end product, a sweater and skirt were created to showcase the concept. The project got nominated for the swiss design association bachelor award 2023.
“Seven student-designed garments from Dezeen's Pinterest” 08.11.2023
A compilation by Dezeen, featuring “some of the most intriguing fashion student design projects recently pinned on Dezeen's School Shows Pinterest board.”
“Vier Tage Fokus auf faire Produkte für Mode und Alltag” 31.08.2023
A cute reportage by the Luzerner Zeitung about my bachelor thesis “Print à Porter”, which I got to exhibit at the GWAND festival in Lucerne.